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The theme for Ludum Dare 41 was to combine two incompatible genres. This was a difficult theme to pull off, since how can there really be genres that are incompatible in this day and age of creativity? It also didn't help that I was away and unable to work on a game for the first day of the jam.

Regardless, I carried on. I figured combining a vertical shmup (a genre with constant movement and fast reflexes) with a board game format (where there would be more strategy and patience) would be my idea.


The game is built for five players: Four players take the role of the ships and one takes the role of an enemy controller.

1. The ship rolls the dice twice, the number one to six determines how many moves and bullets will be shot (0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3).
2. Choose to move (M key) or shoot (S key) first (ships cannot move and shoot at the same time).
3. Any bullet that hits an enemy will damage it. Enemy ships that lose all health get destroyed.
4. Repeat for each ship.
5. The enemy controller will receive cards, these cards determine how many moves, shots to fire and new enemies to place.
6. Click on enemy ships to move or shoot. Click on an empty space in the first five rows to place an enemy.
7. If enemy receives a boss card, the controller has up to ten turns to summon the final boss.

* Each ship's goal is to defeat the boss ship before any other ship does.

* The enemy's goal is to defeat all of the ships.


Strategysphere.zip 4 MB
LD41.swf 496 kB

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